Using the GSP software, describe these parts of a circle.
a. radius of circle
b. diameter of circle
c. circumference of circle
d. chord
e. minor segment
f. major segment
g. arc
h. tangent
Using the worksheets given and files in the folder (GSP), we are going to learn about the properties of circles through exploration and inducton techniques.
These are 4 properties of circles that you will be learning in this lesson.
a. Angle at the centre
b. Angle in a semicircle
c. Angle in same segment
d. Angle in opposite segment
Click HERE to explore about thee properties.
Now refer to the worksheet given to you. Follow the tasks that are listed in the worksheets.
a. Recognise the angle at the centre (Open GSP file: angle at centre.gsp)
b. Recognise an angle in a semicircle (Open GSP file: angle in semicircle.gsp)
c. Recognise the angles in the opposite segment and same segments (Open GSP file: angle in opposite segment)